Since 1996 we have been working in the area of services to public bodies and to private companies.

We help you to understand stories, contexts and territories with our expertise and technology.

We acquire a simple data, then analyze and process it; finally we turn it into a structured information.

Statistics is behind every our products and we offer:

  • Structured information from simple data,
  • Interactive maps to discover the territory,
  • Virtual restoration through multispectral imaging of artefacts,
  • Monitoring and assessments for an efficient project management.


We help you to discover stories, contexts and territories with our expertise and technology. 


Tea sas di Elena Console & C. Contrada Santa Domenica, 48E - 88100 Catanzaro (Italia)  Tel. +39.0961.723634 - Fax +39.0961794294
Sito Web - www.teacz.com   Mail - info@teacz.com   Pec - info@pec.teacz.com    P.I. 02068160791