The idea comes up and we help you manage it optimally

There isn't any area where is not necessary to project. It is often hard turn a good idea into a good project, so we follow our clients' projects throughout their life cycle, from editing to the monitoring and the reporting, until the evaluation of the results. The idea comes up and we help you manage it optimally.

We offer:

  • Europlanning (also in English and French),
  • Planning of activities,
  • Communication plan development,

  • Risk analysis and risk monitoring,
  • Progresses monitoring,
  • Reporting,
  • Ex-post evaluation of the results,
  • Technical assistance.


Tea sas di Elena Console & C. Contrada Santa Domenica, 48E - 88100 Catanzaro (Italia)  Tel. +39.0961.723634 - Fax +39.0961794294
Sito Web -   Mail -   Pec -    P.I. 02068160791